Why Art Block is a myth and how to overcome it

Photo by Morgane Perraud on Unsplash

I have this theory that no ones ever gets to a blank page or canvas with an empty head. Our head is full of ideas, the problem comes when those ideas are accompanied by intrusive and judgmental thoughts.

But before explaining my theory,

What is art block really?

Many define art block as not having any ideas on what to create as if access to their creative genius was “blocked”. Others simply define it as a lack of motivation to create.

Every creative gets Art Block sooner or later. It is so common, but why is everyone in such a hurry to get out of it? If art block is a natural part of the creative process, wouldn’t we just be “MEH” about it? Like

—“Oh I’m just blocked, it is ok, I’ll do something else, guilty free”

Nope. We freak out. We do something else and call it procrastination.

Block usually happens while other things are happening in our heads. That’s why I don’t believe Art Block is a thing in itself. If it was just part of the creative process cycle then everyone would get it in the same amount, right? Why does it seems some artists never get it and others are stuck more often than not? It is a result of something else.

The key to unblocking is listening consciously to the Inner Troll

It is not a cute coincidence that when we are “blocked” the inner troll is telling us all kinds of things. It talks all the time, and unknowingly we listen.

So my theory is that when you’re about to create and an idea comes up the trolls says things like:

  • “It is too small”
  • “It is too big”
  • “Is not original enough”
  • “You’re not capable of creating that”
  • “It isn’t worthy”
  • “It is not ________ enough COMPARED to…”

I realized that for me it is either a lot of judgment about the ideas I have or just a lot of doubt in my capacity to create those ideas. For others, it is more dealing with comparing their work with that of their peers.

The importance of noticing what the inner troll is saying is that you acknowledge that your brain is not empty. There are ideas in there.
When you consciously know the thoughts, you get back the power to choose what to do next.

You listen, but you get to decide if you believe it.

Reframe how you see Art Block

If my brain is not empty, then I’m not blocked, right?

That’s why I decided not to tell that to myself anymore. I rather use the word “paralyzed” or “Resistant”. It feels more accurate. Blocked, no. The muse is still speaking to me, I’m just too quick to judge the work.

I like to think of Art Block like the fairies in Peter Pan. Every time you say they don’t exist one dies.

How to get out of it

The answer to unblocking is inside you, and it is unique to you, so it is important to be patient and super curious about what’s really going on in your head.

If by listening to the inner monologue you discovered that you’re just tired, then the answer for you is to rest.
If you discovered you’re dealing with comparison issues, then the answer is to compare to yourself: Recreate an old piece of yours and see your progress. Maybe you’re just feeling pressured to post on social media, then by all means create something only for yourself without the intention of posting.

So there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all, but I hope my little theory on “Creative Paralysis” helps you next time you feel it coming.

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