Using what you don’t want to get shit done

The other day, I watched this video by Campbell Walker (also known as Struthless), where he talks about his goal of running a marathon.

He believes he can’t run a marathon RIGHT NOW, but then he asked himself:

“If I had a gun to my head, would I do it? Yeah”

and concluded that:

We are all capable of doing more than we think…provided there’s a gun to our heads.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you might know that at the very end of 2020, I started a BIG project of 100 album cover artworks, one a week, so it would be completed by the end of 2022… welp, is 2023 and I’m not done with it.

I’ve been considering giving up for a while but, after watching the Struthless video, the part where Aaron gives a motivational monologue, I realized that:

If I were to look back in time and see that the project ended with me giving up, I would feel like total garbage. Why? because it’s so fucking doable. I’m not looking to find the cure for cancer, I just have to sit down and make art inspired by music. It’s simple.

So I spent some days thinking,

“How can I put a gun to my head? What could I do to make it harder for me to procrastinate?”

and that’s when I sent this email to my newsletter subscribers:

I soon got a reply from a friend and now I’m bound to pay her if I fail to do my part.

I managed to deliver my first album cover art under the pact this morning, despite having an awful flu.

I was fueled by the thought “I DON’T WANT TO PAY HER” more than I was by the thought “This is such a cool project to work on”🤣. Focusing on what I don’t want to lose became a bigger motivator than focusing on what I have to win.

Different times require different tactics. Have you ever tried something like this to achieve a goal?

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