Talent is a gift and a responsibility— Own it

Cover Photo by Jess Bailey Designs  on Unsplash

Art is an accident of genes—and a responsibility

Alan Rickman

We all have talents that should not be ignored. Natural gifts that must be shared with the world.

I believe our gifts are somehow tied to our life purpose.

What would happen if I left mine wrapped?
Or, if I opened it up but left it to collect dust?

On the other hand, what would happen if I took care of it? If I nurture it? If I invested in it?

One of my natural gifts is drawing.

As a child, I realized that I drew better than others my age and that I was passionate about it.

But as I grew, I neglected that gift, and those working harder than me became better than me.

Just until recently I went full time with it, and I don’t have it all figured out.

EVERY DAY I doubt myself and struggle, but I decided to take responsibility by:

✨Showing up every day

✨Building healthy habits

✨Following a schedule

✨Investing time and money to LEARN

✨Sharing my art (even when is shitty)

I want the world to be full of people nurturing their talents too, so I also added to the list:

✨Encouraging others to do the same

Taking responsibility for your passion doesn’t mean to make it your job, or otherwise, you’re not an artist.

You’re an artist by showing up and creating art, even if it’s 💩 sometimes, no matter the circumstances.

I’d say that the first step to take responsibility for your art is taking ownership of the “I’m an artist” label.

Own the “I’m an artist” label. Make it yours no matter if you do art full-time, part-time, or on the weekends.

Slowly take responsibility for that label building your own list answering the question:

How can I nurture my gift?

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