Original Cover Design
- Sleeve 012/100: 11 Episodios Sinfónicos (2001)
- Live Album by Gustavo Cerati
- Label: Sony Music
- Genre: Orchestral
- Original cover design by Urko Suaya
Sleeve #12 for my project #100albumsleeves 🔥.
This week I was feeling low on energy and I wasn’t really listening to music, so I didn’t know what to pick. Talking with my brother he suggested several artists of his liking: Jeff Buckley, The National, & Gustavo Cerati. I picked the latter.
Of those 3, Cerati is the one I have a stronger emotional attachment to because a lot of my friends and family are BIG fans. When I think of Cerati I think of them. And I also really enjoy listening to his voice and his music.
“11 Episodios Sinfónicos” was the perfect fit for my mood: Eleven tracks from Cerati’s former band Soda Stereo as well as singles from his solo albums rearranged into symphonic melodies and played Live.
My favourite song from the album is “Corazón Delator“, which I believe surpasses its original version.

Album Cover Redesign by franzmori. This is fan art, no copyright infringement intended.

The clothes worn by Cerati both during the concert and on the cover of the album were designed by the Argentinian fashion designer Pablo Ramírez, who took inspiration from the novella “Le Petit Prince“.
Knowing this, and listening to the theremin in most of the arrangements, made me think of outer space, Sci-Fi movies, and aliens. The lyrics in the song “Sweet Sahumerio” reminded me of mermaids and the ocean.
I brought all of these elements to the cover, but something that I wanted to emphasize was the number 11: Eleven songs ended in the album, and Cerati was born on the eleventh day of August. I found that in geometry there is an 11-point star called “Hendecagram” which is also used in Islamic art. The song “Sweet Sahumerio” has Middle East vibes in its music, so I considered the hendecagram to be the perfect fit as a central element.

Part of the process of this design
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Listen to the art! I’ll be adding a new album each week to this Spotify playlist HERE.
To know more about my personal project and see the rest of the cover designs in this series, go HERE.